Monday 29 June 2020

Noisy Animal Kids Game 2

Noisy Animal Kids Game 2

Noisy Animal Kids Game

With reference to the last game, refer to my original blog 7 years ago.  (

This was a game aimed for 1-5 year olds with real life animal sounds and quiz.  This game existed 7 years ago which had been originally written in Java and designed for my daughters age at the time.  I have now redeveloped this app with React and increased the number of animal sounds.  

Due to the nature of my job as a software engineer, I am morally required to regularly update skills using different technologies and I thought this made an ideal project to learn from.

Noisy Animal is an advert free, no cost game for Android mobile phones (and potentially Apple) that will allow you to listen to many interesting and fun, real life animal sounds.  With simple navigation, it is now made up of 7 pages with 10 animals per page. As before, there is a final page that allows you to guess which animal you're listening to.  It's easy to play and was fun when visiting a local zoo with my 2 year old daughter but more importantly it's also great fun for parents too! 

The application was designed to encourage development in both the use of modern technology and a child's knowledge of animal sounds.

Developed by myself, Nigel Stanhope.

Promotional graphic..